Children, Teens, & Adolescents

Children of depressed parents suffer inadvertent effects—these mental health interventions can help

When we think about or discuss mental health topics such as depression, our minds tend to zero in on what the individual with the mental health condition is going through. But what about those closest to them—like their children? As a mental health condition that can leave sufferers feeling distant…

Post-pandemic parenting: Tips for socializing kids and encouraging personal growth in adolescents, teens

Just because the worst of the COVID-19 pandemic appears to be over, doesn’t mean  everything is back to normal. And if you’ve got children, you may be underestimating the ways in which virtual learning might’ve affected their social skills and sense of independence.  The development of socialization skills, along with…

Study says early cannabis use in teens can have negative effects on their cognitive functioning

A new study says that using cannabis as a teen or adolescent can have negative impacts on cognitive functioning, especially verbal memory. Researchers at the University of Colorado School of Medicine tested and analyzed siblings (unlike other similar studies) to rule out familial factors. The study used interviews and neuropsychological…

Isolated kids become lonely, unsociable adults

Quick Summary A new study “A prefrontal-paraventricular thalamus circuit requires juvenile social experience to regulate adult sociability in mice” suggests that social isolation in childhood has a harmful impact on adult brain functioning and more specifically, in an area of the brain that’s responsible for regulating social behavior. In addition…

What will back to school look like for your child? Understand the challenges your child will face and help them prepare for the new school year

As schools prepare to reopen in September, the uncertainty of what to expect raises a myriad of questions and feelings for parents and students alike. What will the procedures be like in schools? Will children be asked to wear masks and social distance? Will full classroom learning continue, or will…

Your device addiction is negatively affecting your children: Behavioral problems, language impairment, and more

“The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.” When it comes to device addiction, this may very well be the case. As society becomes more dependent on smartphones and as we are bombarded with new apps on a daily basis, a large percentage of the population has become chained to devices….

LGBTQ+ teens feel depressed, worthless, and hopeless: They need more support in school and at home

The Human Rights Campaign Foundation (or HRC Foundation) and the University of Connecticut conducted a vast survey of over 12,000 LGBTQ+ teens across the US, revealing prevalent mental health challenges among this group. They feel depressed, worthless, and hopeless—additionally, they face rejection and feel unsafe as well as unsupported. Survey…

Talking to your child about mental health and mental illness: Consider their age group, talk openly, and additional tips

According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), 1 in every 5 adults in the US suffers from mental illness. And those who don’t suffer personally, likely know someone who does. This means that, inevitably, your kids will at some point encounter a mental illness, be it a personal…

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