Image of a therapist and client in a counseling session.

4,027 people sought anxiety therapy help in Missouri in the last year

Discover how starting anxiety therapy can support your own journey toward a happier, more fulfilling life.

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Good news! We have 9 therapists in Missouri available for an online or in-person session.

Starting Anxiety therapy

What is anxiety therapy?

Anxiety therapy helps people better understand and manage their anxiety. Anxiety therapists at Thriveworks in Springfield, MO can develop a treatment plan that will help you better manage your day-to-day anxiety or your anxiety disorder.

How does anxiety therapy work?

Anxiety therapy involves talking to a therapist about symptoms, potential causes, and more. Thriveworks Springfield therapists will then work with you to determine where your anxiety might stem from and teach you effective coping mechanisms.

How to deal with anxiety?

One of the best ways to deal with anxiety is to learn about your own anxiety: your symptoms, what triggers it, and what coping mechanisms have been effective in the past. When you learn what your anxiety is tied to, it can help you be mindful of what's really happening as well as prevent and mitigate symptoms by processing and working through the issue in therapy. Other strategies that have been shown to help manage anxiety are meditation, challenging anxious thoughts, exercising, and journaling.

Symptoms of anxiety

Common symptoms of anxiety include:

  • Sense of impending danger
  • Nervousness/restlessness
  • Trouble focusing
  • Excessive sweating
  • Shaking
  • Headaches
  • Stomach issues
  • Fatigue
  • Panic attacks
  • Increased heart rate

What is the best therapy for anxiety?

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can be incredibly effective in treating anxiety and anxiety disorders. Other effective techniques include exposure therapy, Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), and EMDR therapy.

Is anxiety therapy conducted in person or online?

Anxiety therapy is conducted both in person and online, depending on the individual's preferences and their therapist's availability. We suggest choosing the option that best suits your needs.

How long does anxiety therapy last?

On average, people can tend to attend 15 to 20 session of anxiety therapy (five or more months). However, this number is heavily dependent on the type of anxiety that's being treated and its severity, with many choosing to attend anxiety therapy for a longer period of time to ensure its effectiveness long-term.

Is therapy worth it for anxiety?

Yes, it is worth going to therapy for anxiety. If you are struggling with regular anxious thoughts and feelings that are affecting your day-to-day life or you suspect that you have an anxiety disorder, you should seek expert anxiety help.

Need more help deciding?

Feeling anxious? We’ve all been anxious about something in our lives. In some ways, anxiety is a good thing — it can be helpful to feel worried or scared about something that makes you uncomfortable. After all, anxiety is your body’s natural way of coping and processing imminent danger, much like our fight-or-flight response.

But what happens when the feelings of anxiety start to take over your life pervasively? Anxiety may serve an important function, but it certainly has its downsides, too. When anxiety starts to dominate your daily life or when the feelings just won’t go away, then it might be time to seek help.

The good news is that you aren’t alone. Millions of Americans suffer from various types of anxiety, and our team is trained to teach you coping mechanisms you can use in the face of anxiety. Our caring, licensed mental health professionals at Thriveworks Counseling in Springfield, MO are ready to help.

What Are Common Anxiety Symptoms?

Each person processes anxiety differently. For some people with anxiety, the reactions are minor but for others, symptoms can be far more serious.

Some common symptoms that people experience include:

  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Headaches
  • Insomnia
  • Fatigue
  • Unexplained body aches
  • Breathing problems
  • Panic attacks
  • High blood pressure

Long-term anxiety may even cause memory loss. Constant worrying can make a person forget to complete important tasks and create difficulties in concentrating.

In addition, anxiety symptoms can worsen pre-existing health conditions. Those who already have digestive tract diseases and heart conditions may be adversely affected if they suffer from chronic anxiety too. Anxiety is also known to cause other GI problems like acid reflux and stomach ulcers.

Causes and Types of Anxiety

There are many reasons why anxiety is so prevalent. Anxiety can be caused by stress from everyday things, like school, work, and relationships. It can be caused by emotional or physical trauma. It can be caused by political issues or financial hardships.

There are several types of anxiety disorders, including:

  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), which is one of the most common mental disorders people suffer from. An individual with GAD usually experiences extreme feelings of nervousness and worry that affect their daily life. Those with GAD do not necessarily feel anxious about anything specifically; instead, their anxiety is ubiquitous. They may be worried about many little things and even if there isn’t anything to be worried about, they will still experience an unsettling feeling of dread.
  • Social Anxiety Disorder (or Social Phobia), which is characterized by a difficulty of being around other people. Oftentimes, those who have Social Anxiety Disorder feel very nervous and self-conscious in front of others. They may have a hard time conversing with a group or being put on the spot in front of anybody.
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition associated with anxiety that affects many people as well. PTSD occurs after a person experiences or witnesses a horrifying incident. Afterward, certain triggers can cause intense feelings of anxiety and fear related to that traumatic event.

Getting Help: What to Expect From Anxiety Therapy

Experiencing feelings of constant restlessness and anxiety can be frustrating, but there are many effective ways to combat these feelings. One popular type of therapy offered is cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). In CBT, a mental health professional works with you to reduce and cope with the negative thoughts that are causing feelings of anxiety. This type of talk therapy is conducted over months and ultimately helps to alter the way you react to stress.

Another reason CBT is successful in treating various types of anxiety disorders is that it helps develop crucial coping skills and boosts your self-confidence. You also learn different relaxation techniques that help to alleviate feelings of anxiety and reduce your emotional reactions to stress.

Another well-known therapy that helps with anxiety is exposure therapy, which is particularly effective for those with a specific fear. The patient is exposed to whatever is making them feel anxious in a safe environment with a mental health professional. This helps the patient face their fears, which can eventually help decrease their symptoms over time and overcome some of their anxieties.

Talk With a Therapist at Thriveworks Counseling in Springfield, MO

If feelings of anxiety are bogging you down, visit one of our highly qualified counselors at Thriveworks in Springfield, MO. New patients can expect to be scheduled for an appointment in as little as 24 hours.

We offer evening and weekend sessions and online counseling for those who prefer speaking by phone or video chat. We also accept many different insurance plans and offer a number of helpful member benefits including a 24-hour ask-a-coach feature, exclusive member videos, and our Therapy Buddy mobile app.

If you’re ready to reduce your anxiety, then consider scheduling an appointment with us today. We are ready to help you live the amazing life you deserve.

Pricing & insurance

Our therapists accept most major insurances. We accept 585+ insurance plans, and offer self-pay options, too.
Learn more about pricing for therapy and counseling services at Thriveworks.

Our Missouri therapists and counselors accept 0 insurance plans

Self-pay costs at Springfield
Talk therapy

Talk therapy

Includes individual, couples, child/ teen, & family therapy

First session


Ongoing sessions


Talk therapy


Includes reducing symptoms with medication & management

First session


Ongoing sessions


Hear from our clients

Thriveworks Springfield has no reviews yet, but check out these reviews from locations in Missouri.

4.5 Thriveworks Springfield reviews are collected through
Thriveworks helped me realize that I do believe people can change. I’m not the person I was three months ago, broken and fearful. I’m healthy and happy and for the first time being kind to myself. Thank you for giving me my life back.
Read more Thriveworks helped me realize that I do believe people can change. I’m not the person I was three months ago, broken and fearful. I’m healthy and happy and for the first time being kind to myself. Thank you for giving me my life back.
Anonymous Thriveworks Client
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Where to find us

Getting here

Thriveworks Counseling Springfield is located in Sheid’s Plaza off of S Campbell Ave. Our office is behind Lucy’s Chinese food, and next to Marty’s Sports Bar. There’s parking located in front of our building, and the closest bus stop is Campbell & Walnut Lawn (NW).

Phone number

(417) 609-0195

Languages spoken by MO providers

Friday 8:00am - 9:00pm
Saturday 8:00am - 9:00pm
Sunday 8:00am - 9:00pm
Monday 8:00am - 9:00pm
Tuesday 8:00am - 9:00pm
Wednesday 8:00am - 9:00pm
Thursday 8:00am - 9:00pm

Shown in CT

Friday 7:00am - 9:30pm
Saturday 7:00am - 6:00pm
Sunday 8:00am - 5:00pm
Monday 7:00am - 9:30pm
Tuesday 7:00am - 9:30pm
Wednesday 7:00am - 9:30pm
Thursday 7:00am - 9:30pm

Shown in CT

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