4 therapists available in Louisiana, including 2 in Shreveport
4 providers are available now in Louisiana
Expand your search outside of Shreveport to view additional providers & find the right one for you — online & in-person sessions available.
×I understand the complex nature of mental health and that making the decision to pursue mental health care can be difficult.
You are the author of your story & I am only here to help with your question "Where do I start?".
As a black woman, I understand and can identify unique issues affecting our society today.
I am a Black woman of color, disabled veteran, spouse of a military member, parent of a child with neurodiverse special needs, adult family caregiver, and advocate for equal human rights and equitable treatment of all peoples.
I'd like to help you along your path to overcome obstacles so that your journey will lead you to where you want to be.