
Astrology and the Barnum effect: Understanding our personal belief systems and why so many people love horoscopes

You’ll be hard-pressed to find someone who doesn’t have a strong opinion about astrology, which assigns meaning to the placement of the planets and the stars. Twenty-nine percent of Americans believe in horoscopes, and the people who say they don’t are quick to defend their reasons why.  As much as…

Dogs improve your overall wellbeing: they help to reduce stress, promote an active lifestyle, strengthen your immune system, and more

In addition to providing love, support, and companionship, dogs are beneficial to our health and overall wellbeing. When we pet a dog, we form a bond and release the hormone oxytocin, which helps to relieve us of stress and anxiety. Dogs also promote an active lifestyle, which helps us to…

Aggression is inborn, but worsened or improved by one’s environment (Updated)

We have long disagreed over whether aggressive behavior is inborn or learned—which has led to many research efforts, including the Bobo doll experiment. This study concluded that children become aggressive through observational learning; that is, through watching someone else conduct the same behavior. However, other studies disagree—or at least note…

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