Beginning Therapy

Does online therapy really work? What are the benefits? What will I learn?

Online counseling may not be as widely recognized as your traditional in-person counseling, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t significant or effective. More and more people are discovering that online therapy really works—as it enables you to attend your sessions virtually, making it an exceptionally convenient and ingenuous approach. Here’s…

The True Risks of Online Counseling

Counseling is an incredibly useful tool for all who utilize it. Yes, it is exceptionally effective for those who present symptoms of a serious mental illness like depression or anxiety or posttraumatic stress disorder. But it is also exceptionally effective for those who aren’t diagnosed with a mental disorder. Counseling…

A guide to child therapy: Enhancing children’s well-being with age-specific, evidence-based approaches

It’s hard enough for us adults to understand, sort through, and communicate our feelings. Now, imagine what it must be like for a child or teenager. Or, maybe you can time travel and plop yourself right back into your childhood shoes. Did you experience anxiety as you moved from one…

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