
May is Mental Health Awareness Month: Here’s how to celebrate it

May 1st marks the beginning of Mental Health Awareness Month, a time of observance during which every American is encouraged to put their mental health needs first. It’s also a time when dedicated mental health professionals are recognized for their efforts in offering compassionate care.  Mental Health Awareness Month presents…

How to start therapy: Tips on where to start, what you need, and how to find the right therapist for you

The decision to go to therapy can be a difficult one, but starting therapy with the right mental health professional is one of the best ways to improve your mental health. Whether you struggle with anxiety, depression, ADHD, OCD, trauma, borderline personality disorder, feeling overwhelmed, or are unsure of what…

Rare mental disorders that could inspire blockbuster Halloween movies

First, let’s clear up one thing: There’s nothing inherently spooky or dangerous about mental health conditions like dissociative identity disorder (split personality) and schizophrenia. But that hasn’t stopped filmmakers from exploiting these conditions again and again in their horror movies. Cinematic depictions of people with mental health disorders can range…

Addiction is a disease, as well as a societal and medical issue that needs addressing. Here’s how you can stimulate healthy conversations about it

Addiction is, in fact, a disease of the brain, but many continue to insist that it is not—and doing so only causes sufferers further harm. This stigma surrounding addiction discourages those who suffer with the disease from opening up about their struggles and getting the help that they need. To…

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