May is Mental Health Awareness Month: Here’s how to celebrate it

May 1st marks the beginning of Mental Health Awareness Month, a 31-day period during which every American is encouraged to put their mental health needs first. It’s also a time when dedicated mental health professionals are recognized for their efforts in offering compassionate care.  Mental Health Awareness Month presents the…

How to have a creative renaissance! (Even when you have artistic burnout. And kids. In a pandemic. When everything is awful.)

For every Taylor Swift flourishing artistically during the pandemic, there are millions of suffering and burnt-out people who aren’t composing songs or painting portraits or writing novels. What have they been doing instead? Well, if they’re anything like me, they’ve been drowning in domestic labor, work, anxiety, childcare, and other…

Do you really have to quit your job to find yourself? The positive psychology driving the Great Resignation of 2021

Perhaps the key statistic behind the Great Resignation of 2021 is that 20% of workers have now met their colleagues’ dogs, cats, and/or human offspring online. What does this say about the post-pandemic workplace? It says that after enduring the disruptions of Covid-19, people are more likely to feel like…

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