
Understanding trauma dumping: Communication strategies and professional support

Trauma dumping refers to a situation where an individual shares their traumatic experiences in an overwhelming, often boundary-violating manner without the listener’s consent. While it’s not  always intentional, trauma dumping typically crosses interpersonal boundaries and may cause the listener to feel overwhelmed or trapped.  Learn more about how to spot…

“I hate my mom — is that normal?” Common reasons for strained mother/child relationships, and what to do

Navigating relationships with parents can be complex and challenging, especially with so many deep, intense feelings involved. Not every mother/child relationship is loving and understanding, and sometimes an understanding can’t be reached, for one reason or another. With all the history between mothers and their children, it can be hard…

Understanding autism therapy services

Autism is a neurological difference that affects 2.2% of the general population in the U.S. While living with autism does not prevent anyone from having a rich and meaningful life, the stigma that continues to plague the diagnosis of autism still leads many people to have incorrect ideas about what…

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